Taking a peaceful pause throughout my day.
Resting my mind in the midst of chaos.
Feeling gratitude for a heart filled with love.
Letting the known and unknown share a park bench.
Honoring my feelings free of judgments.
Instructing my needs and wants to take a rest.
Allowing the stillness to be my friend.

I encourage you to take a moment and connect with this painting.  Imagine yourself walking barefoot, gentle blue green waves washing over your feet.  Take a deep breath and picture how warm the sun feels caressing your face and body – breathe in the fresh salty air.

The ocean is constantly changing.  And so is our current climate of unrest.  More than ever, it’s vital we cultivate stillness and feel instances of deep contentment.

With the increasing anxiety and worry, I’ve noticed more unexpected mind chatter that can quickly gain momentum and turn a simple concern into an escalating fear.  You know the feeling, heart starts racing; breathing becomes shallow, maybe followed by tightness in your neck or stomach.

When this happens, I start by noticing the tightness in my body and take some deep breaths, bringing me back into the present moment.  It is in that stillness I’m able to determine if there is an actual fear I need to address or take that free form chaotic chatter and use it to shift my focus.

I try to keep it simple by turning my attention to a colorful piece of uplifting art.  Or I step outside and take in the beautiful colors of nature and the sky.  If the chatter is more agitating, I get lost in my favorite music and take a few minutes to stretch my body.

When circumstances seem to prevent me from taking one of these actions, I step away for a few moments and think of the many things, large and small, that I appreciate in my life, right now – especially the people I love and who love me.

Whatever your challenges are, may you be surrounded and supported with all the loving help you need.

And in the middle of those challenges, may you take some time, to find ways to bring more peace and contentment into your daily life.

Have a wonderful love-filled holiday.

©2019 KarenDellosso.com