
My inner smile
I now embrace.
Fills me with joy
As I breathe in grace.

Nurtured by the earth
I walk in peace.
Sharing the light
With others who seek.

During this unprecedented time of restrictions — living and working from home, taking virtual ballet classes, and ordering toilet paper on the internet, it is also a time for Possibilities.

A time to reflect on our lives, to focus on what we do have, and to discover or perhaps rediscover the peace and riches we can only find within.

Life has slowed down for us giving us time to make adjustments of course, but to also spend some quiet time – quieting the inner chatter, practicing feeling peaceful, and perhaps revisiting our long forgotten dreams and buried desires.

My neighborhood for example, once filled with the sounds of rushing cars, is now occupied with families playing with their children in the front yard and people taking frequent walks.

In March’s blog I shared about resurrecting my long lost love for ballet.  As I bring love, light and momentum to a few more dreams, I’m clearing out old and outdated things to make space.

But most importantly, before I take a lot of action, I’m practicing finding and feeling my inner smile.  Whether I feel a wide bright enthusiastic smile or a mild unsteady one, I believe with practice, I’ll be able to feel cheerful and at peace more often each day.

How about you?  What connects you to your inner smile?
