I love to dance.
Kick my feet up towards the sky,
Laugh ‘til my legs are shaking,
Reaching high to catch a star.

Living free a new adventure,
Once confined I took my stand.
Sad beginnings now behind me.
Full of promise—ain’t it grand!

There was a time when illness prevented me from getting from my bedroom to the living room.  It would be decades before identifying the main cause of the havoc created in my body had been mold from a prior home.

Failure after failure, obstacles and setbacks at every turn, I spent many unsuccessful years trying to create wellness.  While some supplements and treatments truly helped along the way, I discovered that changing my internal thoughts, feelings, energy and beliefs played a central role in my healing.

Imagining me healthy and feeling well was, to say the least, very challenging and often impossible.  During that time, the powerful gift of art came into my life and eventually I was able to paint.

I created “Living Outside The Box” so I could not only envision myself free, vital and strong but experience liberation as much as possible in my body, long before it was believable.

I began by imagining filling myself with the rich vivacious reds in this piece, sensing the increasing energy and movement in my body—seeing myself free of the confinement.  This helped me to build my faith and reclaim my desires.

The health and wellness I’ve been enjoying is rich and wonderful allowing me to dust off old and new dreams that, at one time, I thought were beyond my reach.

During these restrictive times in our lives, it is easy to focus on the obstacles and what’s not working.  The most challenging for me throughout those rough years, was to find ways to continually believe I was going to be well, especially when so much evidence was to the contrary.

I hope if you are faced with challenges and desires that seem unattainable – or perhaps just feeling a bit discouraged, you will take a moment to picture yourself accomplishing the very thing you want.

Perhaps begin by noticing how good you might feel living that desire.  Spend a little time often experiencing the sensations of achieving that dream or goal.  Recalling many of the aspirations you’ve successfully fulfilled already will help you build more confidence and momentum toward realizing your vision.  Let inspiring art and music fill you up.

And then “Kick Your Feet Up and Dance”.

©2019 KarenDellosso.com